Most Dangerous bomb Ever made

1.Tsar Bomba (Soviet Union) 50 megatons (equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT)

2.Castle Bravo (United States) 15 megatons Castle Bravo was the largest nuclear test conducted by the United States

3.B53 (United States)  9 megatons The B53 was one of the most powerful thermonuclear bombs in the U.S. arsenal during the Cold War


4.Ivy Mike (United States) 10.4 megatons made bby united States

5.FOAB - Father of All Bombs (Russia)Equivalent to 44 tons of TNT (thermobaric bomb, not nuclear)

6.MOAB - Massive Ordnance Air Blast (United States) 11 tons of TNT (thermobaric bomb, non-nuclear)

7.Mark 17 Hydrogen Bomb (United States)10 to 15 megatons The Mark 17 was one of the first hydrogen bombs to be mass-produced by the U.S.